
Wow legion flying achievement tracker
Wow legion flying achievement tracker

After that, World Quests are your main source of steady reputation gains, along with reputation rewards from the mission table. Completing the Loremaster achievements and story lines will net you a good chunk of the initial reputation. Even the War Campaign is easy because it consists of more questing. The questing and exploring part of the achievement is the easy part. Horde: Zandalari Empire, Talanji’s Expedition, Voldunai, The Honorbound.Alliance: Proudmoore Admiralty, Order of Embers, Storm’s Wake, 7th Legion.Azerothian Diplomat: earn revered with Champions of Azeroth, Tortollan Seekers, and your faction’s reps.Ready for War: complete the War Campaign for Alliance or Horde.Loremaster: complete the story questlines for Loremaster of Kul Tiras or Zandalar Forever!.Wide World of Quests: complete 100 different World Quests in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.Battle for Azeroth Explorer: explore all six zones across Kul Tiras and Zandalar.Here is what you’ll need for part one of Pathfinder: To check your personal progress, Wowhead has a nifty Flying Tracker. If you’re not yet caught up on the first part of Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, you still have a couple months before patch 8.2 is likely to come out. Complete Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One (duh).Exploration: we’ll likely have to explore both zones, based on the Explore Broken Shore requirement from Legion’s Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two.Reputations: earn revered status with the Rustbolt Resistance in Mechagon and the Ankoan (Alliance) or Unshackled (Horde) in Nazjatar.Here is what you need for part two of Pathfinder: Community interviews revealed reputation requirements and the devs estimate that it should take players 2-3 weeks after the patch releases to earn the reputation needed to be able to fly. The devs said they’re using Legion’s Pathfinder as a model for Battle for Azeroth, so we can expect the requirements and progress to be similar. It’s not nearly as intensive as the first part of the achievement, but it will still take a bit to complete. We just need to complete the second half of Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder. In patch 8.2, we’ll finally be able to fly - and that includes the new zones we’ll be going to.

Wow legion flying achievement tracker